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Separation and Purification of High Purity EPA

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Separation and Purification of High Purity EPA

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    • Commodity name: Separation and Purification of High Purity EPA
    • Commodity ID: CXTH23-20-AL-002

    Chairman Cui Wanchen (left) signed a contract with Chairman Yan Yiyi (right)

    After five years of investigation, investigation and negotiation at home and abroad, Sincerity Pharmaceutical finally selected Chuangxin Tongheng to undertake the "EPA (raw material drug) production line construction project with an annual output of 100 tons of high-purity fish oil". Sincerity Pharmaceutical's "high-purity fish oil" project with 99% content finally kicked off-December 10, yan Yiyi, Chairman of Sincerity Pharmaceutical, and Cui Wanchen, Chairman of Innovation Tongheng Company, held a signing ceremony for the "100 Tons of High-purity Fish Oil EPA (Raw Material Drug) Production Line Construction Project" at Sincerity Pharmaceutical's Shanghai headquarters. This means that the "high purity fish oil" project, the first marine pharmaceutical product in China to treat cardiovascular diseases, is about to break ground.

    Chairman Cui Wanchen (left) and Chairman Yan Yiyi (right) exchange greetings

     Some people can't help but ask, what is fish oil, why it is so much demand! Fish oil refers to the unsaturated fat components extracted from fish animals in the deep sea, which are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) respectively. As a result of nutritional investigation, it is found that human health needs to maintain unsaturated fatty acid components, and the content of other animal foods is less. Plant foods do not contain EPA and DHA. 

     The EPA component of fish oil is a special unsaturated fatty acid, which is a protective factor beneficial to blood circulation. EPA can help remove cholesterol and sclerosis attached to the blood vessel wall, reduce blood cholesterol levels, help keep blood flow, inhibit abnormal blood coagulation, prevent thrombosis, and prevent stroke or myocardial infarction. The DHA component in fish oil is another special unsaturated fatty acid, which is an indispensable material basis for the formation, development and operation of brain cells. Scientists have found that the brain's "neuronal processes" contain a large amount of DHA, making it easier for the brain's neurotransmitters to convey the right message. Therefore, the role of DHA is to promote and coordinate the conduction of neural circuits to maintain the normal operation of brain cells, thereby enhancing concentration, memory and attention. Because fish oil products have health care functions in cardiovascular and prevention of Alzheimer's disease, in recent years, due to the high incidence of cardiovascular diseases, the value of fish oil has also been unanimously recognized by people. At present, fish oil has become one of the huge family of health products in China.

    Innovation Tongheng is the largest research and manufacturing enterprise in China that involves the purification and production of high-purity fish oil EPA by using super chromatography technology. It has a series of cost and quality advantages from basic raw materials, key manufacturing equipment, GMP management, etc. It has a good endorsement of domestic purification technology and is your like-minded friend and partner.